
Wanted: Truth, Integrity and Objectivity

Objectivity, integrity and truth must be standards in all deliberations and discussions if we are to progress toward fair and viable solutions of our problems. The false-hoods and subjectivity of self-absorbed political zealots accomplishes nothing but to divide and destroy. Many evidences of that can be read on posts in newsgroups, blogs, editorial pages, and, unfortunately, in the statements and actions of our political leaders.

I often think how much better it would be, and how much more we could achieve, if we would all seek and share untainted, factual information in a positive way, instead of slithering along the low road and slandering others because they disagree with our personal desires or "gut feelings". Such self-centered subjectivity should never be the foundation for discussions or decisions, and cannot be included as even a single paving stone if we are to build paths toward solutions that will benefit all.

The season is again upon us when much of such rubbish will come spewing forth. Don't accept it until you've checked out the facts. By all means, if you learn it is false send a nasty response to those who released the venom letting them know emphatically that you're sick of all but the whole truth. That especially includes the news media who often serves more as gossip-mongers than unbiased informers.

Become familiar with web sites like FactCheck or Snopes. Use them often to get to the truth of statements by or about national political candidates. For all candidates conduct simple research into a candidate's past, including public statements they've made, legislation they've supported, and what experience they've had. In other words, they're asking you for a job, so check out their resumes. How can we expect political leaders to take us seriously as concerned, intelligent voters if we simply act or react like stupefied buffoons trusting their every word?

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