
To Traditional Values Coalition

One of our "traditional values" is truth.  Without truth nothing you do or say can be respected.  Obviously, though, you believe, as does Romney, that the American people are simple minded, gullible fools that will accept anything as truth that you feed them.

Obama's statement that you and Romney refer to was made BEFORE the attacks on our embassies, and Obama NEVER used the words "sorry", "apology" or "apologize".  Nor did he make any reference to or innuendo toward apologizing.

I fear you may be correct about the gullibility with many Americans, but I hope not to the extent that your lies will win an election.  As does your prima-donna candidate, you prove your deep contempt for the intelligence of most citizens, as well as your lack of integrity to live by one of our most important "traditional values" - the Truth.

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