The right-wing noise machine on talk radio and television would like everyone to believe the mainstream media is run by those “awful, America-hating liberals” and that every story is reported from the liberal perspective. The facts are quite different.
In 2007 The Center for American Progress and Free Press released a report titled “The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio”. One of the key findings showed 91% of weekday talk radio programming is conservative.
Outside of perhaps two or three hosts on MSNBC few progressive commentators are household names while the list of nationally known conservatives seems endless. What’s more, there is no progressive equivalent of Fox News. Fox News, or as some have dis-affectionately dubbed it "Faux Noise", has become an outright propaganda machine for the Republican Party. Unfortunately, it is also the most viewed cable news network today.
The majority of Americans held a progressive point of view until shortly after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1980’s, during the administration of George Bush (#41). Since then conservative ideologists pounced on the opportunity that afforded them to unfairly promote their doctrine. Aided by the overflowing bank accounts of there supporters they have flourished on the broadcast media, and in much of the printed media, almost without opposition. The lack of opposing views has allowed conservatism to take root and grow dramatically.
The mainstream media is slanted heavily against anyone considered to be the opposition by Republican Party elite and their supporters, This disallows many from hearing the truth in the news they receive. It is, therefore, up to each concerned citizen to help the truth be heard in our daily conversations, regardless of where that truth may fall.
Anti-Corruption Act Needs You
We need to make the Anti-Corruption Act a reality, but can't do it without citizens joining together. You can help by telling your members of Congress.
Repugnants Self-Dillusioned
Repugnants are such self-serving frauds:
* Talking brave but bowing to paranoia;
* Talking patriotism, but promoting legislation that hurts our economy;
* Blaming their faults and failures on someone else;
* Talking sooooo intelligent, but seldom objectively considering the facts;
* Always claiming to help small business, but the only benefit small business gets from their policies is what dribbles down from mega-buck corporations for whom those policies were actually written;
* Talking Christian, but rarely, if ever, actually caring about 'the poor, the infirmed, the aged', or caring for the orphans and widowed. Absolutely NEVER 'loving their neighbors', much less 'loving their enemies';
* Demanding a strong and large military - so they can find a war and make billions for their industrial contributors;
* Talk about caring for and including all citizens, but do their utmost through deceit and manipulation to disenfranchise those who offer nothing to the Repugnant Party.
Do you support continued growth instead of going backwards? Then go ahead and link to this, and send it out to others who want a future instead of returning to the past.
* Talking brave but bowing to paranoia;
* Talking patriotism, but promoting legislation that hurts our economy;
* Blaming their faults and failures on someone else;
* Talking sooooo intelligent, but seldom objectively considering the facts;
* Always claiming to help small business, but the only benefit small business gets from their policies is what dribbles down from mega-buck corporations for whom those policies were actually written;
* Talking Christian, but rarely, if ever, actually caring about 'the poor, the infirmed, the aged', or caring for the orphans and widowed. Absolutely NEVER 'loving their neighbors', much less 'loving their enemies';
* Demanding a strong and large military - so they can find a war and make billions for their industrial contributors;
* Talk about caring for and including all citizens, but do their utmost through deceit and manipulation to disenfranchise those who offer nothing to the Repugnant Party.
Do you support continued growth instead of going backwards? Then go ahead and link to this, and send it out to others who want a future instead of returning to the past.
Was Biden Rude?
Short answer, NO. I think we've all smirked or openly laughed at someone when their comments were ludicrous. Ryan's comments were predominantly misleading or false. Some half truths, but more than two-thirds of Ryan's comments in the debate (69%) were blatantly false according to various fact finding organizations.
Review of Pres Debate #1
The problem with getting your information and making a decision based solely on a debate is that either or both candidates can lie through their teeth, and you don't know it. To be informed you really must look to their previous statements and records to ascertain the truth.
Both did well tonight. Obama gave specifics and facts, a couple of which he did stretch a little. Romney sounded good and held his own with generalized statements and accusations, which, according to several fact checking research organizations, went against his previous public statements, and against his written proposals.
Both did well tonight. Obama gave specifics and facts, a couple of which he did stretch a little. Romney sounded good and held his own with generalized statements and accusations, which, according to several fact checking research organizations, went against his previous public statements, and against his written proposals.
First Presidential Debate Live: 9-10:30pm
The first Presidential debate will be streaming live on this blog starting at 9:00pm. Get your soda and sandwiches prepared, and chase the dog out of your comfy chair. Then come back to watch it with us.
Each Did More Than 5
Recently several of us reviewed U.S. legislation over the last half-century. I admit I am a Democrat, but it was shocking even to me to learn that each of these men, both confronted with intense obstruction by the Republican party, produced more positive results in their INDIVIDUAL administrations "For the People" than the previous 5 Republican presidents COMBINED! It was reassuring to learn that, if I truly care about my fellow citizens and my country, I am in the correct party.
Romney's 47% Lie
To Get To Romney's 47% Guess-timate Of U.S. "Moochers" You Have To Include:
- Everyone receiving Social Security (which they paid for when working).
- Everyone receiving a military pension (which they earned).
- Everyone that received a small business loan (which they're paying back).
- Everyone receiving a federal guaranteed student loan (which they must pay back, or have their wages garnered).
- Everyone that received a tax break for energy conservation improvements to their home,
- Everyone that received a government guaranteed mortgage (which most are paying back to VA, FHA, etc.),
- Every farmer/rancher that receives farm subsidies (mostly large agri-corps, so should be scaled back to benefit ONLY small farmers),
Who He's NOT Including:
- Oil companies that receive BILLIONS of U.S. tax breaks (which they've said they DON'T need),
- Large mining, lumber, and agri-corps that receive use of public land for a pittance of the true lease value,
- U.S. corps that manufacture goods in other countries with much cheaper labor, but import their goods to the U.S. at next to NO import tax, because they're "U.S. companies",
- Foreign companies that import to the U.S. at lower import fees because of trade agreements,
- Foreign nations, even "enemy" nations, given tax-free "sovereign embassy" properties in U.S.,
- Catholic and Mormon churches, that both hold vast profit-making, business properties, paying NO taxes on those business ventures, because they are religious institutions,
- And, certainly NOT least, Congress, who is nothing but a rich man's welfare club.
To Traditional Values Coalition
One of our "traditional values" is truth. Without truth nothing you do
or say can be respected. Obviously, though, you believe, as does
Romney, that the American people are simple minded, gullible fools that
will accept anything as truth that you feed them.
Obama's statement that you and Romney refer to was made BEFORE the attacks on our embassies, and Obama NEVER used the words "sorry", "apology" or "apologize". Nor did he make any reference to or innuendo toward apologizing.
I fear you may be correct about the gullibility with many Americans, but I hope not to the extent that your lies will win an election. As does your prima-donna candidate, you prove your deep contempt for the intelligence of most citizens, as well as your lack of integrity to live by one of our most important "traditional values" - the Truth.
Obama's statement that you and Romney refer to was made BEFORE the attacks on our embassies, and Obama NEVER used the words "sorry", "apology" or "apologize". Nor did he make any reference to or innuendo toward apologizing.
I fear you may be correct about the gullibility with many Americans, but I hope not to the extent that your lies will win an election. As does your prima-donna candidate, you prove your deep contempt for the intelligence of most citizens, as well as your lack of integrity to live by one of our most important "traditional values" - the Truth.
Romney Still Using Worn Out LInES
Romney keeps returning to worn out lines and false issues. In his convention speech he regurgitated the issue of Obama making apologies for America's misdeeds. Obama never made such an apology. For the truth on this here is the full article from
Romney Attacks Military Cuts Ryan Supports
It seems Romney and Paul can't get coordinated regarding a few issues. For one, they walk two separate paths on defense spending. Click Here to read the full article.
Romney/Ryan Cater To Billionaires
(Exerpted from Public Citizen Newsletter, 8/21/2012)
One of Paul Ryan's first assignments for the Romney/Ryan ticket was to go to Las Vegas and hobnob with billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and other super-wealthy people. Adelson has pledged to spend as much as $100 million of his own fortune to get pro-corporate, anti-progress candidates elected this fall.
With his current estimated net worth of $24.9 BILLION, Adelson could spend $100 million on the presidential election every four years FOR THE NEXT MILLENNIUM. He’s just one of the many modern-day moguls who can and will spend whatever they want contorting the world into their own twisted fantasyland. By some estimates, total spending on elections this year could exceed $10 billion.
People are joining organizations like Public Citizen to fight back. A strong campaign has begun for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. That is the insane Supreme Court ruling that allows oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson, along with corporate “citizens” like Koch Industries, ExxonMobil and JPMorgan Chase, to spend literally AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY WANT turning our democracy inside out.
Seven states — California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts New Mexico, Rhode Island and Vermont — have so far called for an amendment. Thousands and thousands of Public Citizen activists helped make these campaigns successful. They are advancing amendment resolutions or ballot initiatives in many other states, including Colorado, Montana and New Jersey.
96 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 29 members of the U.S. Senate have formally endorsed an amendment. Campaign efforts have been stepped up to build even more amendment momentum in Congress.
Public Citizen and their organizational partners have helped advance resolutions in over 400 cities and towns throughout the country, with many more on the horizon. They've opened another avenue for each citizen to join in efforts to regain our government "for the people".
One of Paul Ryan's first assignments for the Romney/Ryan ticket was to go to Las Vegas and hobnob with billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and other super-wealthy people. Adelson has pledged to spend as much as $100 million of his own fortune to get pro-corporate, anti-progress candidates elected this fall.
With his current estimated net worth of $24.9 BILLION, Adelson could spend $100 million on the presidential election every four years FOR THE NEXT MILLENNIUM. He’s just one of the many modern-day moguls who can and will spend whatever they want contorting the world into their own twisted fantasyland. By some estimates, total spending on elections this year could exceed $10 billion.
People are joining organizations like Public Citizen to fight back. A strong campaign has begun for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. That is the insane Supreme Court ruling that allows oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson, along with corporate “citizens” like Koch Industries, ExxonMobil and JPMorgan Chase, to spend literally AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY WANT turning our democracy inside out.
Seven states — California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts New Mexico, Rhode Island and Vermont — have so far called for an amendment. Thousands and thousands of Public Citizen activists helped make these campaigns successful. They are advancing amendment resolutions or ballot initiatives in many other states, including Colorado, Montana and New Jersey.
96 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 29 members of the U.S. Senate have formally endorsed an amendment. Campaign efforts have been stepped up to build even more amendment momentum in Congress.
Public Citizen and their organizational partners have helped advance resolutions in over 400 cities and towns throughout the country, with many more on the horizon. They've opened another avenue for each citizen to join in efforts to regain our government "for the people".
Romney Caught In Another Lie
Still curious about all the Bain Capital comments you keep hearing? Who are they? What are they? Here it is in an easy to understand nutshell. The videos included on this page at Huffington Post are factual and very informative. Now you'll know what this issue is all about. Check It Out ...
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