
More Welfare For The Wealthy!

On an almost party line vote, the House Republicans today voted to grant oil companies $500 million of your tax dollars for exploration of new oil.

Oil company executives in a Senate committee hearing late last month told Congressmen that, though they would gladly accept the money, they do not need such an incentive to explore for more oil sources. According to them the current price of oil, expected to remain high or higher for quite a while, is enough incentive. Even Bush in a press conference urged Congress not to offer the funds.

That's just another moment of evidence that, though Bush has been a problem to the prosperity of average Americans, it's the Republicans in Congress that are the real problems for anyone but the wealthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It absolutely makes no sense to give the oil companies more money. They are already bleeding us out of house & home.

Why couldn't the Republicans use their heads and give rebates to those of us who have cut our living expenses to the bare bones to heat our homes and keep from freezing to death in the winter? The home price of heating oil is outrageous. And the distribution companies who advertise wholesale prices have totally taken advantage of the American public.

Unfortunately, a family has to make decisions concerning buying more food or paying the oil bill.

Elections are coming. Voter's listen carefully to the promises made and do your homework. We need representives in government who will actually look out for you and for me.