
Illegals Aren't A Burden?

I’m sick of hearing that illegal aliens are not a burden to the American economy, and the illegals only take low-paying agriculture jobs Americans don’t want.  The facts don’t support either statement.

I decided to undertake a quick study using the most recent publicly available information from INS and the Bureau of Labor Statistics – 2004.  I included only legally naturalized citizens 18 years and older, and only those from Mexico, since that’s where the vast majority of illegals are now coming from.

Here are the results:
  • 1.65% serve in our military

  • 2.10% are in jail/prison (this includes all Hispanics and is from the Dept. of Justice)

  • 12.32% hold administrative and managerial positions

  • 22.95% work in construction, manufacturing, transportation, repair and service jobs

  • 60.24% are unemployed and subsist through various welfare and social programs

  • Only .83% work in any form of agriculture.  Only a small portion of these actually work in the low-paying, migrant type jobs.

Remember, those I’m reporting are only the newest U.S. citizens from Mexico.  Just imagine the costs to American taxpayers for eleven to fifteen million illegals that flooded across our border.

Nooooo.  Illegals won’t take American jobs.  Nooooo.  Illegals won’t be a burden to working class Americans.  We already have 3.7% of our citizens that can’t find work.  The unemployment rate is actually 5.7%, but there is always about 2% of our work force in transition between jobs.  So whose jobs AREN’T the illegals going to take?  Who AREN’T they going to be a burden to?

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