

Major apologies to those regular readers of my weblog. The last week and a half have been like a zoo around here. I wrote several blogs. Being in a rush, though, I didn't pay attention and clicked the "Save as draft" button instead of the "Publish" button.

Consequently the posts did not publish to my blog. Just caught it this evening as I was showing off my blog to a friend.


Church Folks Are Confusing

Bush is counting on the far right "Christian" voters to put him back in the White House. They might. I'm a bit confounded by that. though.

The Bible tells us that you shall know the true nature of people by the fruits produced in their lives. George Bush's fruits have always been rotten to the core. Greedy, self-centered, manipulative, and totally serving "mammon" (that is, wealth and money). All attitudes condemned by the Bible.

The Bible also states that "false testimony [lying] is an abomination unto God". Quite frequently Bush and his cohorts in deceit have been proven to not only make "false testimony" to the people of the U.S. and the world at large, but continue to swear by the same even after their falsehoods have been proven.

So why do christians support Bush? Because very few are avid enough believers in Christ to actually know the Bible and its teachings. In fact, most I ever met were just Sunday-one-day-church-goers who simply claim the label of "christian" to appease their own egos, as though that alone will raise them to a higher station in life.


Don't Be Burned By Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden is in the news again. The common conjecture is that he's trying to influence our Presidential election. Duh! Do ya think?

Bin Laden did not speak against any specific person, but laid out a simple warning to Americans in general. A similar warning was offered a couple days prior from another supposed al Qaeda member.

Many people have already made the rash assumption that terrorists are afraid of Bush, and, therefore, are trying to effect his defeat. In reality they want Bush reelected. With Bush and his cronies in control, al Qaeda and other terrorist groups have a common enemy that nearly all Arabs now despise. Their efforts to sign up new terrorist recruits have been exceptionally fruitful. A new face in the White House would remove much of their "common enemy" recruitment rhetoric, and would severely curtail their recruitment efforts.

Yes, Bin Laden is trying to affect our Presidential election, but he's not trying to defeat Bush as so many have already assumed. To the contrary, they want Bush in the White House to further their own efforts.


Missing Boom Boom!

377 Thousand tons of explosives missing in Iraq at the al Qaqaa munitions compound. Once again the Bush administration is claiming that it's someone else's fault - or maybe they were "already gone before we got there".

Such a short memory they have. KSP-TV in Minneapolis, an ABC affiliate, aired film their reporter shot on April 3rd from inside the compound with American soldiers. The film shows the bunkers full of the now missing explosives. The 3rd U.S. Army left the compound unguarded, as apparently directed by higher command. By May the explosives were missing.

That "hurry up" offense was devised and implemented by the Defense Department with the full approval of the White House. Sorry George, but the buck stops with you.


Don't Feel Guilty

A commenter to one of my posts said he felt guilty about receiving a flu shot recently. I've talked to others, my own mother included, who felt the same. My response to them is flat out, "GOOD FOR YOU". You got what you deserved. All Americans should be afforded such protection, but when that protection is limited in quantity the people in "high risk" groups should always be cared for first. Certainly nothing to feel guilty about. It's not your fault the government bungled this, beginning nearly 3 years ago. The rest of us can use our zinc tabs (50 mg/day) and astragalus root capsules (6-8/day). Be well, and stay healthy.


Bush: False Vaccine Claims

Bush keeps trying to side-step the flu vaccine issue. He claims "we relied on a company out of England" for the vaccine. The producer of the vaccine, Chiron Corp, has a plant in England, but is actually a California company. Maybe Bush doesn't realize that's in the U.S.

Bush also claimed that his administration "took the right action" by not allowing "contaminated medicine" into the U.S. Another false statement. It was the Brits that inspected Chiron's UK plant and revoked their license on Oct 5, 2004.


Bush, Get Your Tax Facts Right!

Bush claimed in the last debate that most of his tax cuts "went to low- and middle-income Americans." According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities the middle 20% of taxpayers received an average of $647. The top 20%, though, received an average of $5,055, totaling 69.8% of the tax cuts.


O'Neill Backed Into Corner

ABC News: What Happened in Kerry's Vietnam Battles?

Ted Koppal last night did a great job of maintaining "his cool" when talking to John O'Neill of the Swift Boat Vets Against Kerry.

ABC reporters visited the village in Vietnam where Kerry was supposed to have earned his Silver Star. Many of the same villagers still live there that were residents during Kerry's encounter. The reporters didn't tell the residents what either side in this debate were saying. They simply asked for their memories of events. It seems the villagers remembered the battle just as John Kerry and U.S. Navy documentation had said.

O'Neill, then caught in a corner with the froth of lies still fresh on his lips, babbled on so Koppal could barely get a word in edgewise.


Kerry Won!!

Post-debate polls of all three major networks and PBS said Kerry won by at least 9%. That's pretty significant when you consider the debate tonight was about foreign policy, which is supposed to be Bush's strong suit.

Personally I found Kerry articulate, knowledgeable in the problems America faces in the world, and he answered questions in a forthright manner.

Mr. Bush on the other hand seldom answered a question directly. Instead he relied on rhetorical banter, an occasional ethereal sound bite, and the usual unfounded personal slurs that have become the trademark of his 2004 campaign.


Wal-Mart A Killer?

It seems that everywhere in our region of the country Wal-Mart is trying to build their Super Centers. Of course this brings the "Wally World" haters out of the woodwork claiming Wal-Mart is terrible for local economies. They are detrimental to local environments, force "mom and pop shops" out of business, and lower the average wage rate in local areas where they build.

The facts are on the side of the anti-Wallies. The same can be said, though, of all large, one-stop-shopping chain stores. However, other than temporarily boosting local economies by construction of their stores, Wal-Mart by and of itself cannot affect or effect any local economy. I'm not defending Wal-Mart. I personally shop anywhere and everywhere else first, using their brick and mortar megaliths only as a last resort for things I absolutely need.

Let's get real when pointing fingers. No store can stay in business because of itself. Consumers keep them in business. The real culprits in destroying local economies, then, is not the building of large super centers, but the consumers who keep them in business by spending their money there instead of spending it at local boutiques, sports shops, shoe stores, and so on.

Maybe instead of taking on Wal-Mart the "Wally World haters" should adopt a new approach. Educate your neighbors about the harm they're doing to their local economy with their purchases from Wal-Mart, and other such stores. In effect, focus PR efforts where the blame ultimately lies in our retail system - the consumer.


Bush: Tasting His Own Poison

Mr. Bush and his cohorts rolled into attack mode against anyone questioning his military service. Sixteen years ago, though, GW Bush was a senior advisor on his father's presidential campaign. During that campaign Sen. Lloyd Bentzen (D-TX) was attacked by the Bush campaign for helping his son get into the Texas National Guard instead of him going to Vietnam.

Previously another Texas Congressman, GHW Bush, had made the exact arrangements for his son, GW Bush, so he could avoid Vietnam. Tells you something about the morals of the Bush Brigade that they can condemn someone else for doing exactly what they had done. And by that time GW was calling himself a "born again christian". Guess he didn't study those parts of the Bible that speak against hypocrisy.


We Can't Afford GB

George Bush's convention speech included many positive sound bites. There were even moments when it sounded like he had changed parties.

Mr. Bush's record, though, is full of occasions in which his actions and policies are contrary to his promises. Look back to his 2000 election promises. You don't have to remember or research them. His 2004 convention speech was just a repeat of his 2000 speech with about 17 Democratic promises added for the "fence riders".

In 2000 he promised to care for the elderly. Instead he has increased medicare costs to the elderly by 17%. He and the Republican congress closed the "drug tunnel" from Canada, increasing the costs of medicines for our aged and infirmed citizens by several billion dollars every year. Even several drug company execs have stated that many of the medicines purchased from Canada were either the same drug or equivalent in effectiveness and safety as those sold in the U.S. I'm sure that made Mr. Rumsfeld and his fellow stock holders at G.D. Searle & Company very happy.

In 2000 Mr. Bush promised education reform through his "No Child Left Behind" program. It sounded good. Congress approved it. The states were required to uphold it. But Mr. Bush never released the money to the states until there were threats of State vs Federal lawsuits. That's why states had to either find more tax dollars, borrow millions, or cut some educational programs for a couple years. Now Mr. Bush is thinking of cutting the funding for NCLB, because the states have proven, in his mind, that they don't need it!

In 2000 Mr. Bush promised major steps toward making the U.S. energy independent. Only after he was elected did he reveal that his approach to securing that independence was to explore oil deposits in our nation's wildlife and wilderness areas. Of course. It would be cheaper for his oil buddies, like Dick Cheney's Haliburton, or the Unocal Corp., where both he and his father had been on the Board of Directors until recently. Since it's public land they wouldn't have to pay royalties to land owners for the oil they removed. They could keep that money in their own pockets.

In 2000 Mr. Bush promised to lower health care costs for Americans. He has done nothing in that regard except to promote legislation mandating a maximum amount anyone could receive from a malpractice lawsuit. Actually it would be a quite minimal amount for the burden many experience of poor medical treatment. This is a main reason insurance companies and doctors support him. That would keep more money in the insurance companies' coffers and lower malpractice premiums doctors now pay. It would do nothing, though, to lower costs or improve benefits to patients.

He also promised a stronger economy in his 2000 campaign. Instead, he and the Republican Congress provided incentives to companies to either move entire operations or at least outsource jobs overseas and to Mexico. Since he took office the U.S. has lost nearly 23 million jobs.

The few jobs gained back this past year are due more to natural market fluctuations than to anything Mr. Bush or the Republicans in Congress have done. Those jobs tend to pay on average over $9,000 less per year than the jobs those people had before. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the Department of Labor and Industry, over 61% of people who now hold minimum wage jobs are over 21 years old; many of them over 30 years old. At that age they aren't "first time job holders" like Mr. Bush claims.

When he took office Mr Bush received a growing and stable economy with a $430 billion surplus. He has since transformed that into a $550 billion deficit - a $980 billion spending spree in only four years that your children and their childrens' children will have to pay for.

Many people say they support George Bush because, "he seems like an honest man". Delude yourself if you want. For those that study the facts, though, GB is anything but honest. We can't afford him for another four years.


Bush Flip Flops For MidWest Votes

Hoping to gain support among MidWest voters during his visit to Michigan last week Bush stated emphatically that, "We've got to use our resources wisely, like water." He went on to claim, "My position is clear: We're never going to allow diversion of Great Lakes water."1

That's a complete flip-flop from his pre-campaign goal of diverting Great Lakes water to the west and southwest states. In 2003 Bush claimed, "A lot of people don't need the water, but when you head South and West, we do need it." Mr. Bush obvously forgets that his statements are documented.


Your Vote Says, "I Do"

When you get married everyone who influences your spouse will now have some influence over your life. Similarly, voting for a candidate is like saying, "I want this person, and all who influence them, to represent me."

In three and one-half years Bush's open-door to influence from multi-national corporations has proven detrimental to millions of American families. Bush and the Republican Congress provided incentives for multi-national corporations to outsource jobs overseas. 23 million Americans lost their jobs because of the influence large corporations have with Bush.

Mr. Bush promised less reliance on foreign energy and protection of America's resources. Instead he proposes exploration in our natural resource areas. Exploration and development would be cheaper there for energy corporations, since it would be on public lands.

Bush promised better health care for the elderly, but he and the Republican Congress slammed the door on cheaper medicines in Canada with their latest Medicare legislation.

His idea of holding down health care costs is mandating a maximum on malpractice suits. Doctors, drug and insurance companies, and other health care businesses may continue making exorbitant profits.

The influence over him begins with his key people. VP Cheyney was CEO of Halliburton, one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the oil and gas industries. Rumsfeld was an executive with the worldwide drug company, G.D. Searle & Co. Rice is on the Board of Chevron Corp. Bush and his father are heavily invested in Unocal Corp. Unocal is planning a pipeline through Iraq. Hussein won't allow that. Oh yeah, we dethroned him for unproven claims that he aided terrorists.

When you consider the influence of his close friends and associates, average Americans cannot afford another four years of George Bush. four years of George Bush.


Bush Leak Lets Terrorists Escape

Bush continues to claim that his administration is doing everything to fight terrorism. But his administration's disclosure of the arrest of a suspected terrorist helped other al-Qaeda members escape. The whole story in USA Today.

The White House leaked the secret information to justify raising the terrorist alert level this week, thereby taking attention away from the Democrats and their convention and making it appear as though the Republicans were the ones protecting Americans. In reality their disclosure not only allowed al-Qaeda operatives to escape, but crippled a Pakistani anti-terrorist investigation. The "suspected terrorist" was actually an undercover operative of the Pakistani Intelligence Service working against the terrorist network (More...).

Additionally the Bush administration's leak may have negatively affected a major British anti-terrorism operation. Even our own CIA had also previously used this individual, so the U.S. was no stranger to his efforts and activities. Obviously the Bush White House will use any means or method available to further their own political gain - even if it negatively affects America's security.


Bush Flip-Flops Again

Last week, George Bush said he is working to "restore, improve and protect at least 3 million wetland acres over the next five years."1 But according to a new report released today, Bush ignored that promise and has done the opposite by using a key court ruling to encourage a severe degradation of wetlands throughout the country.
[1] "Supporting America's Farmers and Conserving America's Land", The White House, 08/04/04


Bush Flip-Flops

With some of his most ardent supporters airing dishonest and discredited attack ads against Sen. John Kerry's military record, George Bush is refusing to denounce the tactics. Not only is Bush ignoring calls from Republicans to intervene, he is directly contradicting his own demands made during the 1992 presidential campaign.

According to the July 14, 1992 Washington Post, George W. Bush authored a letter to more than 85,000 Republican donors on behalf of his father's presidential campaign urging them to stop funding sleazy and dishonest attacks on Bill Clinton.1 Now, however, Bush is remaining silent as his top Texas fundraiser, Robert Perry2 bankrolls ads against Kerry, which independent academic institutions have discredited.3

Even as Sen. John McCain(R) demands the White House issue a statement denouncing the tactics4, Bush refuses. Even as one of the veterans in the ads apologizes for his attacks5, Bush, who talks so much about restoring "civility", and maintaining "integrity" has taken nothing but a passive, non-committal approach to his friends' ads.

[1] "Bush Camp Files Complaint Against Horton Ad Maker", The Washington Post, p.A9, 07/14/92.
[2] "Top Texas Donor's Influence Far More Visible Than He Is", Los Angeles Times, 08/08/04
[3] "Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's War Record", FactCheck.org, 08/06/04
[4] "McCain: Denounce Smear", New York Daily News, 08/06/04
[5] "Veteran Retracts Criticism of Kerry", The Boston Globe, 08/06/04


Un-American Attitude

In a Senate hearing many years ago John Kerry claimed he ran a watery border of Vietnam and Cambodia along the Mekong River. John O'Neill, another former swift boat commander, stated, "How do I know he's [Kerry] not in Cambodia? I was on the same river. ... Our patrol area ran to Sedek, it was 50 miles from Cambodia. There isn't any watery border."

Maybe O'Neill really was "50 miles from Cambodia". He didn't learn much, though, about the river he claims he was on. The Mekong River, called the "Mother of Waters", runs through the heart of Cambodia with scores of smaller rivers and tributaries feeding it all along its journey from Tibet. As far as "any watery border", several of those smaller rivers, all part of the Mekong River system, do in fact flow along the border between Cambodia and Vietnam.

O'Neill is co-founder of the anti-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, co-author of an anti-Kerry book, "Unfit for Command", and contributor to both the Republican National Committee and George Bush's campaign. He has been deeply involved with subversive politics for the Republican party, even against John Kerry, since the Nixon days when he started the Vietnam Vets For A Just Peace with the support of the Whitehouse.

Recently CNN aired a video taped discussion between Richard Nixon and John O'Neill in which O'Neill was then claiming to have also "run the border" of Cambodia in a Swift boat. Talk about flip-flopping! If he cannot today remember his own involvement how can he be trusted to remember the involvement of another boat he wasn't even on?

His repeated proven lies and slander say an enormous amount about O'Neill's lack of integrity. It says just as much, though, about the lack of integrity of those who condone his comments and efforts. The national Republican party learned during the McCarthy era that lies and slander produce great benefits in the forms of election victories and coercing the minds of citizens. They fine-tuned their campaign methods during the Nixon-Segretti "dirty tricks" days.

The "win by slander" technique of campaigning has become such an integral part of the Republican ethic they even use it against one another in the primaries. George Bush is doing it again. His supporters smeared Sen. John McCain's military record during the 2000 campaign. Now they're financing O'Neill's group to do the same thing against John Kerry, even though the U.S. Navy's records prove their statements to be false.

It's that totally un-American attitude that prompted me to change parties. I do not believe the end justifies the means. If you can't succeed honorably you should not be allowed to succeed at all. That's American!


Bush Economics For PA

Since George W. Bush was appointed President by the Electoral College in the then Republican controlled Congress:

  • 337,000 people in PA have lost their health insurance.
  • 160,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost in PA
  • 140,000 more people have fallen below the poverty level.
  • The average wages for growing industries pay $9,120 less than those in shrinking industries.
  • Bankruptcy skyrocketed as 76,864 PA households filed for bankruptcy just in 2003; a 37% increase from 2000 when Bush took office.
  • PA family health insurance premiums increased by more than $2,700 to $9,477 per year.
  • PA families with teenagers pay $612 more each year for gasoline.
  • College tuition in PA has increased by $1,914 per year at 4-year public institutions.
  • Overall child care costs increased by $2,050 to $12,910 for a family with two children under age 5 in full-time daycare.

It would seem that whoever is chosen to replace Bush could not do any worse for Pennsylvania. In fact, odds are in Pennsylvanians' favor that virtually anyone could do MUCH better.