The right-wing noise machine on talk radio and television would like everyone to believe the mainstream media is run by those “awful, America-hating liberals” and that every story is reported from the liberal perspective. The facts are quite different.
In 2007 The Center for American Progress and Free Press released a report titled “The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio”. One of the key findings showed 91% of weekday talk radio programming is conservative.
Outside of perhaps two or three hosts on MSNBC few progressive commentators are household names while the list of nationally known conservatives seems endless. What’s more, there is no progressive equivalent of Fox News. Fox News, or as some have dis-affectionately dubbed it "Faux Noise", has become an outright propaganda machine for the Republican Party. Unfortunately, it is also the most viewed cable news network today.
The majority of Americans held a progressive point of view until shortly after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1980’s, during the administration of George Bush (#41). Since then conservative ideologists pounced on the opportunity that afforded them to unfairly promote their doctrine. Aided by the overflowing bank accounts of there supporters they have flourished on the broadcast media, and in much of the printed media, almost without opposition. The lack of opposing views has allowed conservatism to take root and grow dramatically.
The mainstream media is slanted heavily against anyone considered to be the opposition by Republican Party elite and their supporters, This disallows many from hearing the truth in the news they receive. It is, therefore, up to each concerned citizen to help the truth be heard in our daily conversations, regardless of where that truth may fall.