
Anti-Gun Laws Support Criminals

One year ago Australians were required by a new law to forfeit their personal guns. The Australian government spent more than $500 million on this so-called "crime stopping" program.

Over the previous 25 years there had been a steady decrease in armed robberies. Armed robberies have drastically increased over the past 12 months. In addition, other first year results of Australia's new anti-gun program are now revealed, as follows:
  • homicides have increased 3.2 percent
  • armed assaults have increased 44 percent
  • Just in the state of Victoria, homicides have increased 300 percent!
  • There have also been dramatic increases in break-ins and assaults on the elderly
Honest citizens followed the law and turned in their guns. The criminals did not! Criminals in Australia are now even bolder in doing what they want, since they know their potential victims can not shoot back.

Let this be a warning to all the flaming, a - - liberals out there. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and protect property, and gun-control laws only benefit criminals.