
Repugnants Self-Dillusioned

Repugnants are such self-serving frauds:
* Talking brave but bowing to paranoia;
* Talking patriotism, but promoting legislation that hurts our economy;
* Blaming their faults and failures on someone else;
* Talking sooooo intelligent, but seldom objectively considering the facts;
* Always claiming to help small business, but the only benefit small business gets from their policies is what dribbles down from mega-buck corporations for whom those policies were actually written;
* Talking Christian, but rarely, if ever, actually caring about 'the poor, the infirmed, the aged', or caring for the orphans and widowed. Absolutely NEVER 'loving their neighbors', much less 'loving their enemies';
* Demanding a strong and large military - so they can find a war and make billions for their industrial contributors;
* Talk about caring for and including all citizens, but do their utmost through deceit and manipulation to disenfranchise those who offer nothing to the Repugnant Party.

Do you support continued growth instead of going backwards?  Then go ahead and link to this, and send it out to others who want a future instead of returning to the past.

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